My Book + Membership Groups, Available Now!

Last summer, I began writing a 12-part series of Monk Mode articles, heavily inspired by my readings of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life and giving it a MGTOW and Nihilist philosophy spin. The first six chapters are still available for free on my blog, but I have since reworked them, and have added sevenContinue reading “My Book + Membership Groups, Available Now!”

12 Rules For (Monk Mode) Life: #1 – Live Like The Lobster

NOTE: This chapter is outdated, and has been revised in the complete version of the book The Thirteen Chambers of Monk Mode along with seven new exclusive chapters. You can find out more information about the book here: “It is also a mistake to conceptualize nature romantically. Rich, modern city-dwellers, surrounded by hot, bakingContinue reading “12 Rules For (Monk Mode) Life: #1 – Live Like The Lobster”

1 Year Celibacy Update – 98 Days Remaining

I have chosen no better time than now to already have been in celibate monk mode for the past several months now, as the lifestyle has served as training for what life would become during lock down before it actually happened. However, I wouldn’t say my practice has completely insulated me from the social distancingContinue reading “1 Year Celibacy Update – 98 Days Remaining”

41 Articles Celebration: Responding To Comments!

It’s that time again! I now have a total of five platforms I publish my content on, so that’s five times the chance for more comments. I’ll be shouting out and responding to all of them here, even if I replied already. I’ll also provide some extra backstory to some of the articles referenced hereContinue reading “41 Articles Celebration: Responding To Comments!”

The Virtue of Youth: Brahmacharya, and The “Jeff Goldblum” Method

The deeper I go into Monk Mode, the more I lose the fear I mentioned having in Finding The Wall. I was afraid when I first started Monk Mode. I was afraid that I would find toiling away in solitude more preferable to socializing in mainstream society, and that I would find some knowledge, whetherContinue reading “The Virtue of Youth: Brahmacharya, and The “Jeff Goldblum” Method”

Response to the Regretful Valedictorian: Relationships, Potential, and MGTOW Monk Mode

Congratulations. If you haven’t watched his speech, in essence, he regretted sacrificing his relationships and social life in order to earn his status as Valedictorian. He was elated for all but 15 seconds when it was confirmed, but arrived at the 16th second with emptiness “Relationships are where we get to influence, impact, and changeContinue reading “Response to the Regretful Valedictorian: Relationships, Potential, and MGTOW Monk Mode”

My Personal Milestone Goals (Being A New Content Creator Feels Like The Chunin Exams)

Although I’m not completely dependent on validation from other content creators, I do regularly compare my skills against theirs, and derive inspiration and new skills from studying their methods. Thus, I have came up with some important benchmarks for myself that I would consider a promotion through my content.

Two Questions To End Old Habits and Re-Organize Your Life

There is little use in structuring your life on definitive statements. “I’m going to lose weight this year.” “I’m going to save more money.” “I wont relapse again.” We command ourselves as if we know and have full control of our behavior. We feel empowered in that moment to make these statements, and our resolveContinue reading “Two Questions To End Old Habits and Re-Organize Your Life”

Finding The Wall: Plateaued Productivity and Leaving Monk Mode

I was afraid when I first started Monk Mode. I was afraid that I would find toiling away in solitude more preferable to socializing in mainstream society, and that I would find some knowledge, whether about myself or about the world, that would never allow me to return to normal everyday relationships with friends, family,Continue reading “Finding The Wall: Plateaued Productivity and Leaving Monk Mode”

Is There More To Life? (Than Just Food and Sex)

“Is there more to life?” Is exactly what I asked myself, turning away from a very physically beautiful woman walking by me down the street. What prompted this question was simply the sheer distraction I suffered from observing her, as my hormones locked in and generated the idea that being with a woman like herContinue reading “Is There More To Life? (Than Just Food and Sex)”

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